Multi-directional Streaks | m0803500 Exploration -- Geysers? | Other Possible Geysers


Geysers On Mars
m0803500 Exploration -- Geysers?

Many areas of the Martian surface show signs of current or previous geysering -- though none of them are undisputed. m0803500 is an astonishing image which may show abundant current geysering...


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date/time: 1999-10-16
season: spring (Ls=225.52°)
instrument: MOC-NA
filter: N/A
size: 1.42 x 6.77 kilometers
resolution: 2.76 meters/pixel
local time: 23.95
viewing angle: 0.27° angle of spacecraft from overhead (0=directly overhead, 90=horizon)

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Let's consider some of the implications of what is going on here:

1) energetic geysering/jetting action involving dark sand/dust and vaporized volatiles (primarily CO2, but possibly including other volatiles) occurs in some places at both poles during local spring.

2) this very dramatic effect "turns over" the upper surface of the dark circumpolar materials, mixing the sand and dust with any remaining solid volatiles (like H2O).

3) this action may also be "creating" sand and dust, thus helping to form the dunes that are found at both poles.

This dark material may be constantly saturated with volatile material -- perhaps including water ice -- and it may host liquid water beneath the surface.

Could this matrix host biology?