Some Intriguing Formations


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Some Intriguing Formations


I call these football-shaped formations "boats" -- for that's what they resemble. Some of these formations are quite large.

They all assume the same general form: an ovoid, around which is a low rampart. The hill within the rapart is often light colored or white, though not always. Usually, the rampart is broken at one or the other end or sometimes both. Sometimes, as we see here on the right, only the rampart appears -- there is no hill in the center.

The image above also shows a rectilinear mesa pocked by two pits. Obviously, nothing has been "built" here, yet the juxtaposition of formations suggests to the mind's eye that some kind of construction must have taken place!

Difficult Terrain

This is an example of some extremely difficult terrain on Mars. The formations here are some 60 meters or more around, 20-40 meters high. There is 3-10 meters between them. They appear to be very roughly textured. Similar formations are found on the flanks of Alba Patera and in many other areas. They may be primary volcanic formations similar to "pillow lava" found on Earth, generally at the bottom of the seas, but nowhere on Earth are such formations both so large and so densely packed.



